Japan’s Nightmare is the World’s (Dark) Future
We proudly present the exhibition “A Nightmare Is A Dream Come True: Anime Expressionist Painting.”
Kaikai Kiki Gallery’s exhibition “A Nightmare Is A Dream Come True:Anime Expressionist Painting” is now on display in the special exhibition room of Kaikai Kiki Sapporo Studio Poncotan, our Sapporo animation studio!
The current exhibition is the second stop for the show which began in Tokyo in May 2012 and explores the cultural landscape of postwar Japan. Summarizing his thesis, curator Takashi Murakami declares that “The phrase ‘all your dreams will some day come true’ has led us into a world of nightmares,” a notion which the show furthers by confronting viewers with the collective nightmares of Japan as a nation in the aftermath of the 2011 disasters.
For the opening on December 9, at 14:00, Takashi Murakami, the exhibiting artists, and Poncotan studio leader,
Hokkaido’s own mebase, will be on hand for a live group discussion.
Dates : December 9 – 22, 2012
Gallery Hours : 11:00 -19:00 (20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays)
Venue:Special Exhibition room at Kaikai Kiki Sapporo Studio Poncotan
Opening Reception
Sunday December 9, 2012, 14:00-16:00
・Live Talk w/Artists
Takashi Murakami × Mr. × JNTHED × NaBaBa x Oguchi × STAG × mebae(special guest)
・Live painting by artists
Closing Event:
Saturday December 22, 15:00-17:00
・Lecture and Talk
Takashi Murakami x Studio Transister: Kohta Morie (Left) x Junichi Akimoto (Right)
For further details, click here.
What is Poncotan
Founded in Sapporo in Spring 2011, Poncotan is Kaikai Kiki’s animation studio. The name is derived from the Ainu word for small villages.
Led by Hokkaido’s native son mebae, the studio devotes itself to the production of original animated projects under the banner “From Sapporo to the World”. !
The studio is currently seeking new staff: