
Joshua Nathanson
nakamura portrait


1976年ワシントンD.C.生まれ。カリフォルニア州ロサンジェルスに在住し、活動している。2006年、カリフォルニア州パサデナのArt Center College of DesignにてMFA取得。

ネイサンソンの作品は地元で、また国際的に、Luce Gallery(イタリア、トリノ)、ARNDT(シンガポール)、Hester(NY)、356 S. Mission(LA)、そしてPepin Moore (Jonas Woodによるキュレーション)(LA)などで展示されている。

大学、大学院を通して、Mike Kelley, Christopher Williams, Liz Larner, Haim Steinbeck, Marilyn Minterに師事。ネイサンソンは独自に数々の展覧会をキュレーションしており、その作品はこれまでにArt Los Angeles Contemporaryで、またLucy Indiana Doddと Bernhard Wilhelmと共にウィーンで展示された。2015年、ネイサンソンはVarious Small Fires(LA)にて初の個展を開催し、その後Whitechapel Gallery(イギリス)や横浜美術館(日本)などにおける美術館展でも展示されている。2015年には作品がMuseum of Contemporary Art Chicagoのコレクションに入った。

2006 MFA, Fine Art, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
2000 BFA, Fine Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
1976 Born in Washington, D.C.
2018 Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
"High Flow", Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China
2017 "Forest Lawn", Downs & Ross, New York, NY
Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2016 "MAKE MEMORIES WITH THE BUNNY", Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
"Froth", Luce Gallery, Turin, Italy
2015 "Labor Day", Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA
2006 "Turvy Topsy", Art Center College of Design MFA Thesis Gallery, Pasadena, CA
2005 "Balance", Diktatorian Project Space, Berlin, Germany
2002 "Veneer", Mike George Gallery, New York, NY
1998 "Postcards", XYZ Gallery, Blacksburg, VA
2018 "L.A. Dreams", CFHILL Art Space, Stockholm, Sweden
2017 "Eternal Youth", Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, IL
2016 "Human Condition", curated by John Wolf, 2231 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA
"Electronic Superhighway", Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
"Takashi Murakami’s Superfat Collection―From Shōhaku and Rosanjin to Anselm Kiefer", Yokohama Art Museum, Yokohama, Japan
"The Grove: Joshua Nathanson, Ditte Gantriis and Juan Antonio Olivares, Hester", New York, NY
2015 "BAE A4N, An Instagram show, curated by Natalia Ibáñez Lario", Yautepec Gallery, Mexico City, MX
"Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.", PIASA, Paris, France
"Doodles", The Vanity Bakersfeld, Bakersfeld, CA
"I Know You Got Soul", ARNDT, Singapore
2014 "Popular Panorama", Secret Recipe, Los Angeles, CA
"Little Messages for Modern Shut-Ins", Aran Cravey, Los Angeles, CA
"ABCOM", four81, New York, NY
"Another Cats Show", 356 Mission, Los Angeles, CA
2013 "Reproduction", What Pipeline, Detriot, MI
2012 "The Nudes Painting Show", 3704 N Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA
"Prince at the Forum", Beacon Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA
"Good Time Owl City", The Sam Francis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2011 "From Where You Just Arrived", Pepin Moore, Los Angeles, CA
"The Fake: Forgery and Its Place in Art", LA>< ART, Los Angeles, CA
2010 "Muspe Los Angeles", 1451 E 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA
"Apocalypse Later", Pool House, Los Angeles, CA
"WET PAINT 2: Nine Young LA Artists", Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA
"Support Group", Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA
2009 "Domestic Partner", Workspace, Los Angeles, CA
"Maximum Art n Art", C Marsh Space, Los Angeles, CA
"Big Poster", Pro Choice, Vienna, Austria
"Vegetables for Breakfast", Mountain Fold, New York, NY
"Boofthle Booth-Booth: Deux Doox - The Hollywood Biennale", Pauline, Los Angeles, CA
2008 "Black Dragon Society (Finale Show)", Black Dragon Society, Los Angeles, CA
"Delusionarium IV", Circus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Welcome To The Neighborhood", Tight Space, Santa Ana, CA
"As If This Land Were Yours", Eveningside, Los Angeles, CA
"Lucy Indiana Dodd", Joshua Nathanson, Bernhard Wilhelm, Egypt, Vienna, Austria
2007 "Boofthle - Booth Booth", Pauline, Los Angeles, CA
2006 "Beast or Dressed Like Beast", Flaca, London, UK
2005 "Prof. Winkler Kunst - Und Literaturtage", Circus of Books Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
"Winters Back", Creaky Castle at Rollsportbahn Nizza, Frankfurt, Germany
"Whalewolves", Golden Poodle Club, Hamburg, Germany
2003 "Dust is Mostly Skin", Past Tense Gallery, New York, NY
2002 "Spaces", 450 Broadway Gallery, New York, NY
2000 "Museum of Contemporary Art", Chicago, Chicago, IL
2012 "Prince at the Forum", Beacon Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA
2008 "Mystery of the Invisible Clock", Karyn Lovegrove Gallery at Husdon Salon, Los Angeles, CA
2007 "Where Was I? All About the Edges, Bag of Pockets", The Art of Semi-Autonomy, Pauline Gallery, Los Angeles, CA