
加えてグラフィックアーティスト、そして多くのファンが追い求めるエディションもののトイ、アパレル、その他プロダクトのクリエイターとしても、 世界的にその名が知られている。
地元ジャージーシティで1990年代初めにグラフィティアーティストとして頭角を現した彼は、その後 SchoolofVisualArtsで学ぶが(1993~1996)、学ぶ過程で関心の焦点はビルボード広告やバスの待合所、公衆電話ボックスに設置された広告の絵柄に落書きすることに よって「公共関与」を実行する活動へとシフトしていった。
それがコマーシャル・フォトグラファーやコマーシャル・デザイナーとのコラボレーションにつながり、結果として生み出されたオリジナルアート作品 が、多くの人々の目に触れることになった。
KAWSの作品はコマーシャルアートとファインアートという2つの領域を難なく股にかけ、グラフィック、プロダクトおよび産業デザインか らペイン ティング、ドローイング、スカルプチャー、壁画、シルクスクリーンプリントまで、多彩な形態をとる。
2012年には、ModernArtMuseumofFortWorth(テキサス州フォートワース)にてスカルプチャー「COMPANION(PASSINGTHROUGH)」が公開され、同じく「COMPANION」キャラクターをかたどった40フィートのバルーンによるMacy'sサンクスギビングデーパレードへの参加を果たした。 また、ジョルジア州のHighMuseumofArtでは、大規模の回顧展「DownTime」も開催された。
2018 | Galerie Perrotin, Tokyo, Japan Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong |
2017 | WHERE THE END STARTS, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, USA |
2016 | WHERE THE END STARTS, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX BFF, Central Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand Galerie Perrotin, Seoul, South Korea Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Yorkshire, UK |
2015 | Permanent Vacation II, Eden Rock Gallery, St. Barts ALONG THE WAY, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY A Shared Space: KAWS, Karl Wirsum, Tomoo Gokita, Newcomb Art Museum of Tulane University, New Orleans, LA CLEAN SLATE, LA NAVE, Las Salinas, Ibiza, Spain CLEAN SLATE, Shanghai Times Square, Shanghai, China |
2014 | "FINAL DAYS", CAC Malaga, Spain MAN'S BEST FRIEND, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles, USA CLEAN SLATE, Harbour City, Hong Kong, China PLAY YOUR PART, Galeria Javier Lopez, Madrid, Spain |
2013 |
"PASS THE BLAME", Galerie Perrotin New York, USA Mary Boone Gallery in cooperation with Galerie Perrotin, New York, USA "Ups and Downs", The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, USA "KAWS GISWIL", More Gallery, Giswil, Switzerland "Ohhh...", Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan "BORN TO BEND", Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, USA |
2012 |
"COMPANION (PASSING THROUGH)", Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, TX "IMAGINARY FRIENDS", Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France “The Nature of Need”, Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong “KAWS: Down Time”, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA |
2011 | “Companion (Passing Through)”, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA “FOCUS: KAWS”, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, USA “Hold The Line”,Honor Fraser Gallery, Los Angeles, USA “Passing Through”, The Standard, New York, USA “Passing Through”, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, USA |
2010 | “Passing Through”, Harbour City Museum of Art, Hong Kong “KAWS”, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, USA “Pay the Debt to Nature”, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France Galeria Javier Lopez, Madrid, Spain |
2009 | “The Long Way Home”, Honor Fraser, Los Angeles, USA |
2008 | Gering & López Gallery, New York, USA “Saturated”, Galerie Perrotin, Miami, USA |
2003 | “Original Fake”, BAPE Gallery, Tokyo, Japan |
2002 | Elms Lesters Painting Room, London, UK “C9”, MU Art Foundation, Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
2001 | “Tokyo First”, Parco Gallery, Tokyo, Japan 1999: Colette, Paris, France |
2016 | Holdings: Selections from MCASD's Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla, USA Greek Gotham, Dio Horia Gallery, Mykonos, Greece A Material Legacy: The Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Collection of Contemporary Art, Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, USA |
2015 | Respect, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Málaga, Spain ArtZuid 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
2014 | If You're Accidentally Not Included, Don't Worry About It., curated by Peter Saul, Zurcher Studio, New York, NY Joyride, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, NY Ok, I'll rename it, Bill Brady KC, Kansas City, MO Knock! Knock!, Galeria Javier Lopez, Madrid, Spain Full House, Garth Greenan Gallery, New York, NY PAINT NEW YORK, GL Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark |
2013 | Happy Birthday Galerie Perrotin / 25ans", TRIPOSTAL, Lille, France |
2012 | “White Columns Benefit Exhibition and Auction”, White Columns, New York, USA East West Shift to the Middle Part #1, Bill Brady KC, Kansas City, MO Group Show - Wangechi Mutu - KAWS - Jeff Sonhouse - Wim Delvoye, Gallery Zidoun, Luxembourg It Ain't Fair 2012, OHWOW, Miami, FL |
2011 | “PRETTY ON THE INSIDE”, organized by Erik Parker and KAWS, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, USA “Art in the Streets”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA “Party Animals” & “FACEMAKER,” Royal/T, Los Angeles, USA |
2010 | “Mutant Pop”, curated by Joe Grillo, Laura Grant, and Brandon Joyce, Galleri Loyal, Malmo, Sweden “It Ain’t Fair”, OHWOW, Miami, USA “The Reflected Gaze - Self Portraiture Today”, The Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, USA |
2009 | “Just what is it that make today’s painting so different, so appealing”, Gering & López Gallery, New York, USA “Stages”, organized by Lance Armstrong and Nike, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France “Alpha Exotica”, curated by Dimitrios Antonitsis, Hydra School Projects, Athens, Greece The New Yorkers, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark “Plastic Culture”, Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, UK “I Can’t Feel My Face”, Curated by KAWS, Royal/T, Los Angeles, USA |
2008 | “Everything Else”, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, USA |
2007 | POPcentric, Gering & López Gallery, New York, USA |
2006 | “Info Babble”, Richard & Dolly Maass Gallery, Purchase, New York, USA “Ugly Winners”, Galerie Du Juor Agnes B., Paris, France |
2004 | “Beautiful Losers”, curated by Aaron Rose and Christian Strike, Le Tri Postal, Lille, France, Palazzo Dell’Arte, Milan, Italy, USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, USA, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, USA, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, USA, Yerba Buena Arts Center, San Francisco, USA, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, USA |
2003 | “SK8 on the Wall”, Parco Gallery, Tokyo, Japan |
2002 | “Session the Bowl”, Deitch Projects, New York, USA “ALIFE Shop”, Deitch Projects, New York, USA “Coded Language”, City Gallery Chastain, Atlanta, USA |
2001 | “Shortcuts”, Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Athens, Greece Pierides Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece “New Acquisitions from the Dakis Joannou Collection”, Deste Foundation, Athens, Greece; Lakai Group Cultural Centretztt |